What is Plataforma de Encomenda?
The Plataforma de Encomenda, created and managed by OASRS, is an online tool for interaction between the Competitions Service, Promotors and Architects in organizing and conducting Architectural Competitions. It also includes an Architects Directory and a Promoter Area.
The register in Plataforma de Encomenda is free?
Who can register in Plataforma de Encomenda?
The registration is reserved to architects members of the Portuguese Association of Architects or other similar architecture professional associations.
Is it possible to submit proposals for a competition in Plataforma de Encomenda?
Yes, for competitions that take place on Plataforma de Encomenda.
How works the submission of proposals?
Proposals submission are made by uploading documents in the window that opens for this purpose on the competition page.
Subsequently, the proposals are distributed, electronically, to each jury member ensuring the anonymity of the competitors until the final report is finished.
What is the calculator?
The calculator is an online tool to help quantifying the needed resources to deliver a project or to provide another architectural service. The main purpose is to support the architects with the office management.
How can I access the calculator?
To access the calculator, you have to register on this platform. The calculator is available in the profile area of each registered member.
Who can use a calculator?
This tool is only available for architects registered in the Portuguese Association of Architects (OA).
How does it work?
It is based in the definition of a value per hour for each type of service listed in the Portuguese Rule for Architecture and Landscape Services (NP 4526).
How can I belong to the Architects Index?
After login in plataforma de encomenda, go to the profile area and select the box entitled "I want my profile information searchable in the architects index". After, you just need to insert your info in each field.
What is an Architecture Competition?
The Architecture Competition is a procedure to select works in the field of architecture and urban planning, which principle is the evaluation of the conceptual quality of the work. The competition allows to promote a critical reflection on the subjects concerned, guaranteeing equal opportunity for all architects.
Why is the Architecture Competition the most appropriate instrument to select works in the field of architecture and planning ?
Because it emphasizes the quality of the works, properly framed in the political and financial context of each project.
What kind of procedures can a Portuguese public entity use to hire an architecture project?
According to the Public Contracts Portuguese Law (CCP), a public entity can use the following procedures:
- Open or restricted procedure, whatever the value of the contract
- Consultation with invitation to, at least, three entities, when the contract value is less than € 75 000
- Direct hirement, when the value of the contract is less than € 20,000
- Public design competition according to article 219º-A of the CCP, whatever the value of the contract, in which proposals are submitted and evaluated anonymously, and the selection is exclusively based in quality criteria
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